
Supervising of Food during European-wide Cool Transport (IN)

Strategic objectives addressed

The target of SFECT project is the transfer of multisensor measuring technologies from the building sector combined with new communication technologies to the food transport sector.

Proposal abstract

Food producers must guarantee the quality of their products over the whole chain of manufacture, transportation up to customer. The supervision of cool transport is accordingly a complicated matter with high importance in advanced food systems. It is not only necessary to monitor basic refrigerated and frozen food products but also advanced forms of nutritional supplies.

The target of SFECT project is the transfer of multisensor measuring technologies from the building sector combined with new communication technologies to the food transport sector.

A technical solution on the basis of several parameters (temperature, gas, moisture, freshness, shock) is being created for the supervision of food quality during its long route from the food producer to the customer.

Partner di progetto


  • Infokom GmbH, Germany
  • Tecnoalimenti S.C.p.A., Italy
  • Centro Sperimentale del Latte, Italy
  • Maletti S.p.A., Italy
  • Arist Bourgogne, France
  • Jenasensoric, Germany


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